
Séminaire de Probabilités, VI. Université de Strasbourg, année universitaire 1970/1971, contenant aussi les conférences des Journées Probabilistes de Strasbourg (31 mars-3 avril 1971), organisées par P. Cartier et C. Dellacherie. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 258, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1972.


The Grothendieck Festschrift. Vol. I. A collection of articles written in honor of the 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck. Edited by P. Cartier, L. Illusie, N. M. Katz, G. Laumon, Yu. Manin and K. A. Ribet. Progress in Mathematics, 86, Birkhäuser, Boston, Mass., 1989.


The Grothendieck Festschrift. Vol. II. A collection of articles written in honor of the 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck. Edited by P. Cartier, L. Illusie, N. M. Katz, G. Laumon, Y. Manin and K. A. Ribet. Progress in Mathematics, 87, Birkhäuser, Boston, Mass., 1990.


The Grothendieck Festschrift. Vol. III. A collection of articles written in honor of the 60th birthday of Alexander Grothendieck. Edited by P. Cartier, L. Illusie, N. M. Katz, G. Laumon, Y. Manin and K. A. Ribet. Progress in Mathematics, 88, Birkhäuser,Boston, Mass., 1990.


Integrable systems. The Verdier Memorial Conference. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Luminy, July 1-5, 1991. Edited by Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier and Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach. Progress in Mathematics, 115, Birkhäuser. Boston, Mass., 1993.


Lectures on integrable systems. In memory of Jean-Louis Verdier. Proceedings of the CIMPA School on Integrable Systems held in Sophia-Antipolis, June 10-28, 1991. Edited by Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier and Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, N. J., 1994.


Functional integration. Basics and applications. Papers from the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cargèse, September 1-14, 1996. Edited by Cecile DeWitt-Morette, Pierre Cartier and Antoine Folacci. NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series B: Physics, 361. Plenum Press, New York, 1997.


C. Chevalley, The algebraic theory of spinors and Clifford algebras. Collected works. Vol. 2. Edited and with a foreword by Pierre Cartier and Catherine Chevalley. With a postface by J.-P. Bourguignon. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.

à paraître


C. Chevalley, Classification des groupes algébriques semi-simples. Avec la collaboration de Pierre Cartier, Alexandre Grothendieck et Michel Lazard. Texte révisé en 2003 par Pierre Cartier, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004 [contient les textes de 1958, [164] - [166], révisés].


Psychanalyse et Mathématiques. (Colloque de Cerisy, 1999). Pierre Cartier et Nathalie Charraud, éds., éditions de la cause freudienne.


Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry. Pierre Moussa, Bernard L. Julia, Pierre Vanhove, Pierre Cartier, éds., 2 vol., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.