photo of vasily

Vasily Pestun Permanent Professor

My research is in the field of mathematical physics, quantum field theory and string theory. I explore non-perturbative methods such as localization and integrability in strongly interacting quantum field theories.

Other publications

  • Tensor network language model
    V. Pestun, Y. Vlassopoulos 2017-10-27
  • Language as a matrix product state
    V. Pestun, J.Terilla, Y. Vlassopoulos 2017-11-04
  • Invited conference talks

    Invited department talks



    Teaching Experience

    • Teaching Assistant at Princeton University 2004-2007
      • PHY 305 Advanced Quantum Mechanics II
      • PHY 106 Advanced Electromagnetism
      • PHY 105 Advance Mechanics
      • PHY 406 Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics
      • PHY 510 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II (graduate)
      • PHY 523 General Relativity (graduate)
    • 2001-2003 ITEP-ITP School on Quantum Fields and Strings, Kiev
    • 2003 ITEP Winter School, Moscow
    • 1998 & 1999 International Physics Olympiad Russian team coach
    • 1998-2000 Board of the National Russian Physics Olympiad
    • 1998-1999 Board of the International Physics Soros Olympiad

    Professional service

    • Letters in Mathematical Physics
    Referee for
    • ZBMath
    • Communications in Mathematical Physics
    • Letters in Mathematical Physics
    • Journal of High Energy Physics
    • AMS Mathematical Reviews
    • Physical Review D

    EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC)

    Under HORIZON 2020 Program the European Research Council has funded the ERC-StG-2015 - ERC Starting Grant Quantum Algebraic Structures In Field Theories (QUASIFT) hosted at IHES

    Quantum Algebraic Structures In Field Theories

    Quantum Field Theory is a universal framework to address quantum physical systems with infinitely many interacting degrees of freedom, applicable both at the level of fundamental interactions, such as the subnuclear physics of quarks and gluons and at the phenomenological level such as the physics of quantum fluids and superconductivity. Traditionally, weakly interacting quantum field theory is formulated as a perturbative deformation of the linear theory of freely propagating quantum waves or particles with interactions described by Feynman diagrams. For strongly non-linear quantum field theories the method of Feynman diagrams is not adequate. The main goal of this proposal is to develop novel tools and techniques to address strongly non-linear quantum field theories.