
Ahmed Abbes (CNRS, IHÉS), Emmanuel Ullmo (IHÉS, Université Paris-Sud),

Les jeudis 12, 19 et 26 février et 5, 12 et 19 mars 2015 de 14h30 à 16h30

Masaki Kashiwara (RIMS, Kyoto) et Pierre Schapira (Université Paris 6)

Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

The aim of the course is to describe the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for holonomic D-modules in the irregular case and its applications to integral transforms with irregular kernels, especially the Laplace transform. The course will start with a detailed exposition of the theory of indsheaves (including sheaves on the subanalytic site) and its applications to the indsheaf of holomorphic temperate functions.

Télécharger le résumé détaillé du cours

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Pierre Schapira - 1/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Pierre Schapira - 2/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Pierre Schapira - 3/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Masaki Kashiwara - 4/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Masaki Kashiwara - 5/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Masaki Kashiwara - 6/6 Indsheaves, temperate holomorphic functions and irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Les cours auront lieu les jeudis de 14h30 à16h30
Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane, IHÉS
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