Cuts in Kähler Groups, Thomas Delzant and Misha Gromov, Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 248, 31-55, 2005 Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Category Archives: Locally symmetric spaces and beyond
Super Stable Kählerian Horseshoe? (January 11, 2011)
Pinching constants for hyperbolic manifolds, (with W.P.Thurston) Inventiones Math. 89 (1987), 1-12.
Non-arithmetic groups in Lobatchevski spaces, (with I. Piatetski-shapiro) Publ. Math. IHÉS 66 (1988), 93-103.
Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and conformally flat 3-manifolds, (with H.B. Lawson Jr., W.P. Thurston) Publ. Math. IHÉS 68 (1988), 27-45.
Harmonic maps into singular spaces and p-adic superrigidity for lattices in groups of rank one, (with R. Schoen), Publ. Math. IHES 76 (1992), 165-246
Foliated plateau problem, part I, part II, Geom. Anal. Functional Anal. 1(1991), 14-79 ; idem 1 (1991), 253-320.
Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups. Geometric group theory. Volume 2 Proc. Symp. Sussex Univ., Brighton, July 14-19, 1991 Lond. Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 182 Niblo and Roller ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1993), 1-295.
Lectures on manifolds of non-positive curvature, (with Ballmann, Schroeder) Progress in Math. 61 (1985), Birkäuser, Basel.
Volume and bounded cohomology, Publ. Math. IHES 56 (1982), 5-100
Manifolds of negative curvature, J. Differential Geom.13 (1978), 223-230.