Hyperbolic dynamics, Markov partitions and Symbolic Categories, Chapters 1 and 2. October 30, 2016
Category Archives: Metric invariants and quantitative topology
Overlap Properties of Geometric Expanders, Jacob Fox, Mikhael Gromov, Vincent Lafforgue, Assaf Naor and Janos Pach
Generalizations of the Kolmogorov-Barzdin embedding estimates, Misha Gromov and Larry Guth
Hilbert Volume in Metric Spaces, Part 1. May 4, 2011
Plateau-Stein Manifolds
Geometry, Topology and Spectra of Non-Linear Spaces of Maps Wolfgang Pauli Lectures, May 25, 2009
Morse Spectra, Homology Measures, Spaces of Cycles and Parametric Packing Problems, April 16, 2015
Group cohomology with Lipschitz control and higher signatures (with A. Connes, H. Moscovici) Geom. Anal. Funct. Anal. 3 (1993), 1-78.
Positive curvature, macroscopic dimension, spectral gaps and higher signatures. in Functional analysis on the eve of the 21st century, Gindikin, Simon (ed.) et al Volume II. In honor of the eightieth birthday of I. M. Gelfand. Proc. conf. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ, USA, October 24-27, 1993. Prog. Math. 132 (1996), 1-213, Birkhäuser, Basel
Quantitative homotopy theory, Rossi, Hugo (ed.), Prospects in mathematics. Invited talk on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Princeton University. Papers from the conference, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 17-21, 1996. Providence, NJ, USA, American Mathematical Society, 45-49 (1999).
Dimension, non-linear spectra and width, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1317 (1988), 132-185.
Conjecture de Novikov et fibrés presque plats, (with A. Connes and H. Moscovici), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 310 (1990), 273- 277
Foliated plateau problem, part I, part II, Geom. Anal. Functional Anal. 1(1991), 14-79 ; idem 1 (1991), 253-320.
Metric Invariants of Kähler manifolds, Proc. Workshop on J. Differential Geom. and Topology, Alghero, Italy 20-26 June, 1992 Caddeo, Tricerri ed. World Sci. (1993), 90-117.
Geometric reflections on the Novikov conjecture, Lecture notes taken by J. Rosenberg, Oberwolfach (1993) à paraître dans Proc. Conference on the Novikov Conjecture
Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups. Geometric group theory. Volume 2 Proc. Symp. Sussex Univ., Brighton, July 14-19, 1991 Lond. Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 182 Niblo and Roller ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1993), 1-295.
Structures métriques pour les variétés riemanniennes, Textes Mathématiques n°1 Paris (1981), 1-120. (rédigé par Lafontaine et Pansu).
Width and related invariants of Riemannian manifolds, Astérisque 163-164 (1988), 93-109.
Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within. Proc. Journées nonholonomes: géométrie sous-riemannienne, théorie du contrôle, robotique, Paris, France, June 30–July 1, 1992 A. Bellaiche ed., Prog. Math. 144 (1996), 79-323, Birkhäuser, Basel.
Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces, Birkhaüser (1999)
Homotopical effects of dilatation, J. Differential Geom. 13 (1978), 303-310.
Three remarks on geodesic dynamics and fundamental group, preprint SUNY (1976), reprinted in L’Enseignement Mathématique 46 (2000) 391-402.
Volume and bounded cohomology, Publ. Math. IHES 56 (1982), 5-100
Filling Riemannian manifolds, J. Differential Geom. 18 (1983), 1-147.
Asymptotic geometry of homogeneous spaces Proc. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec.Torino (1983) Conference on Homogeneous Spaces in Symp. Math., 59-60.
Large Riemannian manifolds, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1201 (1986), 108-122.
Construction of nonsingular isoperimetric films, (with Ya.M. Eliashberg) Steklov Institute Trudy 116 (1971), 18-33
Systoles and intersystolic inequalities, Seminaires et Congrès Soc. Math. France 1 (1996), 291-362.