Hyperbolic dynamics, Markov partitions and Symbolic Categories, Chapters 1 and 2. October 30, 2016
Category Archives: Distance geometry in Riemannian manifolds
Generalizations of the Kolmogorov-Barzdin embedding estimates, Misha Gromov and Larry Guth
Hilbert Volume in Metric Spaces, Part 1. May 4, 2011
Plateau-Stein Manifolds
Dynamical Morses entropy, in: Modern dynamical systems and applications, with Mélanie Bertelson, (2004) 27-44. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004
Stability and pinching, Seminari di Geometria, Ferri Ed., Bologna (1992), 55-99
Nilpotent structures and invariant metric on collapsed manifolds, (with J. Cheeger, K. Fukaya), J. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1992), 327-372
A.D. Alexandrov’s spaces with curvature bounded from below, (with Y. Burago and G. Perel’man) in Russ. Math. Surv. 47 2 (1992), 1-58
Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within. Proc. Journées nonholonomes: géométrie sous-riemannienne, théorie du contrôle, robotique, Paris, France, June 30–July 1, 1992 A. Bellaiche ed., Prog. Math. 144 (1996), 79-323, Birkhäuser, Basel.
Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces, Birkhaüser (1999)
Mesoscopic curvature and hyperbolicity, Proceedings of the International Congress on Differential Geometry 2000, to appear in Contemporary Mathematics series.
Dynamical Morse entropy, Mélanie Bertelson and Misha Gromov, April 2010
Curvature, diameter and Betti numbers, Comm. Math. Helvetica 56 (1981), 179-195.
Structures métriques pour les variétés riemanniennes, Textes Mathématiques n°1 Paris (1981), 1-120. (rédigé par Lafontaine et Pansu).
Lectures on manifolds of non-positive curvature, (with Ballmann, Schroeder) Progress in Math. 61 (1985), Birkäuser, Basel.
Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping the curvature bounded, (with J. Cheeger) J. Differential Geom. 23 (1986), 309-346
Width and related invariants of Riemannian manifolds, Astérisque 163-164 (1988), 93-109.
Collapsing Riemannian manifolds II, (with J. Cheeger), J. Differential Geom. 32 (1990), 269-298.
Chopping Riemannian manifolds, (with J. Cheeger) J. Differential Geom. 52 (1991), 85-94.
Topology of Riemannian manifolds with small curvature and diameter, (preliminary report) Notices Amer.Math.Soc. 22 (1975), A-592.
Almost flat manifolds, J. Differential Geom. 13 (1978), 231-241.
Manifolds of negative curvature, J. Differential Geom.13 (1978), 223-230.
Synthetic geometry in Riemannian manifolds, Proc. Int. Congress Math. 1978, 1, 415-419