Memorandon Ergo, October 29, 2015
Great Circle of Mysteries: Mathematics, the World, the Mind. November 15, 2015
Hyperbolic dynamics, Markov partitions and Symbolic Categories, Chapters 1 and 2. October 30, 2016
Overlap Properties of Geometric Expanders, Jacob Fox, Mikhael Gromov, Vincent Lafforgue, Assaf Naor and Janos Pach
Generalizations of the Kolmogorov-Barzdin embedding estimates, Misha Gromov and Larry Guth
Metric Inequalities with Scalar Curvature, Misha Gromov
A Dozen Problems, Questions and Conjectures about Positive Scalar Curvature, Misha Gromov, September 19, 2017
101 Questions, Problems and Conjectures around Scalar Curvature. (Incomplete and United Version), October 1, 2017 uncategorizeduncategorized
Manifolds : Where do we come from ? What are we ? Where are we going ? (2010), 1-68.
Singularities, expanders and topology of map. Part 2: From combinatorics to topology via algebraic isoperimetry. GAFA, Geom. func. anal.,20 (2010), 416-526.
Crystals, proteins, stability and isoperimetry. (2010), 1-30.
Singularities, expanders and topology of maps. Part 1 : Homology versus volume in the spaces of cycles. GAFA, Geom. func. anal.,19 (2009) n 3, 743-841.
Cuts in Kähler Groups, Thomas Delzant and Misha Gromov, Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 248, 31-55, 2005 Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Courbure mésoscopique et théorie de la toute petite simplification, Thomas Delzant et Misha Gromov Journal of Topology, 1:4 pp 804-836 (2008)
A Few Recollections. (January 6, 2011)
Super Stable Kählerian Horseshoe? (January 11, 2011)
Hilbert Volume in Metric Spaces, Part 1. May 4, 2011
Quotations and Ideas. December 6, 2014
In a Search for a Structure, Part 1: On Entropy. July 6, 2012
Ergostructures, Ergodic and the Universal Learning Problem: Chapters 1, 2.
Plateau-Stein Manifolds
Dirac and Plateau Billiards in Domains with Corners. April 23, 2013
Number of Questions. April 26, 2014
Math Currents in the Brain. June 13, 2014
Geometry, Topology and Spectra of Non-Linear Spaces of Maps Wolfgang Pauli Lectures, May 25, 2009
Six Lectures on Probabiliy, Symmetry, Linearity. October 2014, Jussieu. ( unedited)- November 6, 2014
Morse Spectra, Homology Measures, Spaces of Cycles and Parametric Packing Problems, April 16, 2015
Geometric, Algebraic and Analytic Descendants of Nash Isometric Embedding Theorems, October 9, 2015
Entropy and Isoperimetry for Linear and non-Linear Group Actions
Mathematical slices of molecular biology, with Lisa Carbone. Numéro spécial La Gazette des Mathematiciens, 88:11-80, Société Mathématique de France (2001).
Functional labels and syntactic entropy on DNA strings and proteins, with Lisa Carbone, preprint IHES 2001
Mendelian Dynamics and Sturtevant’s Paradigm
Pattern formation in Biology, Vision and Dynamics, Editors with A. Carbone and P. Prusinkiewicz. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd (2000)
Crystalls, Proteins and Isoperimetry. 2009
On a geometrical hypothesis of Banach, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR 31 (1967), 1105-1114.
On the number of simplexes of subdivisions of finite complexes, Matematicheskie Zametki 3 (1968), 511-522. Russian version
On simplexes inscribed in a hypersurface, Matematicheskie Zametki 5 (1969), 81-89. Russian version
Isometrical immersions, hyperbolic geometry and Burago’s isoperimetric inequality, preprint SUNY (1977).
Monotonicity of the volume of intersection of balls, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1267 (1987), 1-4.
Estimates of Bernstein width of Sobolev spaces, (with J. Bourgain), Geom. Anal. Functional Anal., Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1376 (1989), 176-185.
Cell division and hyperbolic geometry, prépublication IHÉS 1990.
Possible trends in mathematics in coming decades, Notices AMS 45 : 7 (1998), 846-847
Interview: Mickhael Gromov 1, 213, Development of Mathematics 1950-2000, edited by Jean-Paul pier, Boston, MA, Birkhäuser (2000). On google books
Interview with Mikhail Gromov Martin Raussen and Christian Skau, Notices of the AMS, 391-403 (2010)
Structures, Learning and Ergosystems Chapters 1-4, 6. Dec. 30, 2011
The spherical isoperimetric inequality in Banach spaces, (with V. Milman) Compositio Math. 62 (1987), 263-282
Spectral geometry of semi-algebraic sets, in Ann. Inst. Fourier 42 (1992), 249-274.
Isoperimetry of waists and concentration of maps, GAFA, Geom. funct. anal.,13 (2003), 178-215. Preprint IHES 2002.
“How Many” Curves of Length
Holomorphic maps into elliptic spaces, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 2 (1989), 851-897.
Embeddings of Stein manifolds, (with Y. Eliashberg) Ann. Math. 136 (1992), 123-135.
Holomorphic L2 functions on coverings of pseudo-convex coverings (with G. Henkin and M. Shubin), GAFA 8 (1998), 552-585.
Endomorphisms of symbolic algebraic varieties, J. Europ. Math. Soc. (1999), 109-197.
Dynamical Morses entropy, in: Modern dynamical systems and applications, with Mélanie Bertelson, (2004) 27-44. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004
Cauchy-Riemann equation in Lagrange intersection theory, Proc. Conf. on Periodic Orbits of Hamiltonian Systems Il Ciocco, Italie (1986), Rabinowitz ed.
Soft and hard symplectic geometry, Proc. Int. Congress Math. 1986 Videotape (NTSC; 60 mn).
Convex symplectic manifolds, (with Y. Eliashberg) Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 52 (1991), Part 2, 135-162.
Lagrangian Intersection theory : Finite dimensional approach, (with Y. Eliashberg) Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 186 (1998), 27-118
Lagrangian intersections and the stable Morse theory. (with Y. Eliashberg) Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., VII. Ser., B 11 Suppl. (1997), 289-326.
On the entropy of holomorphic maps, preprint SUNY (1977).
On the ergodicity of frame flows, (with M. Brin) Inventiones Math. 60 (1980), 1-8
Rigid transformations groups, in Géométrie différentielle (Paris 1986) (D. Bernard, Y. Choquet-Bruhat ed.) Travaux en Cours, 33, Hermann, Paris (1988), 65-139.
Paul Levy’s isoperimetric inequality, preprint IHÉS (1979), reprinted in [105].
A topological application of the isoperimetric inequality, (with V. Milman) J. Amer.Math. 105 (1983), 843-854.
Isoperimetric inequalities in Riemannian manifolds Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1200 (1986), 114-130.
The Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators and solvability of elliptic equations with additional conditions on compact subsets, (with M. Shubin) Inventiones Math. 117 (1994), 165-180
The Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators (with M. Shubin) I. M. Gelfand Seminar. Part 1: Papers of the Gelfand seminar in funct. anal. Moscow Univ., Russia, September 1993. Gelfand, S. ed. et al., translated from Adv. Sov. Math. 16 (1993), 211-241 Amer. Math. Soc., Providence.
Erratum to: ”Von Neumann spectra near zero” (with M. Shubin) Geom. Anal. Funct. Anal. 5 (1995), 729.
L2 holomorphic functions on pseudo-convex coverings. in Operator theory for complex and hypercomplex analysis. (with G. Henkin, M. Shubin) Ramirez de Arellano ed. Proc. conf., Mexico City, Mexico, December 12–17, 1994 Amer. Math. Soc. Contemp. Math. 212 (1998), 81-94
Topological invariants of dynamical systems and spaces of harmonic maps, Math. Phys. Anal. and Geom. 00 : 1-93 (1999)
Hyperbolic manifolds, groups and actions, Ann. Math. Studies 97 (1981), 183-215, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps, Publ. Math. IHÉS 53 (1981), 53-73
Infinite groups as geometric objects, Proc. Int. Congress Math. Warsaw 1983 1 (1984), 385-392
Hyperbolic groups, Essays in Group Theory, S. Gersten ed., MSRI Publications 8 (1987), 75-265 Springer.
Random walk in random groups, preprint IHES (2001). GAFA, Geom. funct. anal., Vol. 13 (2003) 73 146 1016-443X/03/010073-74
CAT(kappa)-space: construction and concentration (to Victor Abramovich Zalgaller), preprint IHES, January 2001.
Small cancellation, unfolded hyperbolicity, and transversal measures, to appear in a volume dedicated to André Haefliger
Pinching constants for hyperbolic manifolds, (with W.P.Thurston) Inventiones Math. 89 (1987), 1-12.
Non-arithmetic groups in Lobatchevski spaces, (with I. Piatetski-shapiro) Publ. Math. IHÉS 66 (1988), 93-103.
Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and conformally flat 3-manifolds, (with H.B. Lawson Jr., W.P. Thurston) Publ. Math. IHÉS 68 (1988), 27-45.
Harmonic maps into singular spaces and p-adic superrigidity for lattices in groups of rank one, (with R. Schoen), Publ. Math. IHES 76 (1992), 165-246
Spin and scalar curvature in the presence of a fundamental group, (with H. B. Lawson Jr.) Ann. of Math. 111 (1980), 209-230.
The classification of simply connected manifolds of positive scalar curvature, (with H. B. Lawson Jr.) Ann. of Math. 111 (1980), 423-434.
Pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, Inventiones Math. 82 (1985), 307-347
Dimension, non-linear spectra and width, Lect. Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag 1317 (1988), 132-185.
Conjecture de Novikov et fibrés presque plats, (with A. Connes and H. Moscovici), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 310 (1990), 273- 277
Foliated plateau problem, part I, part II, Geom. Anal. Functional Anal. 1(1991), 14-79 ; idem 1 (1991), 253-320.
Metric Invariants of Kähler manifolds, Proc. Workshop on J. Differential Geom. and Topology, Alghero, Italy 20-26 June, 1992 Caddeo, Tricerri ed. World Sci. (1993), 90-117.
Geometric reflections on the Novikov conjecture, Lecture notes taken by J. Rosenberg, Oberwolfach (1993) à paraître dans Proc. Conference on the Novikov Conjecture
Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups. Geometric group theory. Volume 2 Proc. Symp. Sussex Univ., Brighton, July 14-19, 1991 Lond. Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 182 Niblo and Roller ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1993), 1-295.
Group cohomology with Lipschitz control and higher signatures (with A. Connes, H. Moscovici) Geom. Anal. Funct. Anal. 3 (1993), 1-78.
Positive curvature, macroscopic dimension, spectral gaps and higher signatures. in Functional analysis on the eve of the 21st century, Gindikin, Simon (ed.) et al Volume II. In honor of the eightieth birthday of I. M. Gelfand. Proc. conf. Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ, USA, October 24-27, 1993. Prog. Math. 132 (1996), 1-213, Birkhäuser, Basel
Quantitative homotopy theory, Rossi, Hugo (ed.), Prospects in mathematics. Invited talk on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Princeton University. Papers from the conference, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 17-21, 1996. Providence, NJ, USA, American Mathematical Society, 45-49 (1999).
Finite propagation speed, kernel estimates, and the geometry of complete Riemannian manifolds, (with J. Cheeger, M. Taylor) J. Differential Geom. 17 (1982), 15-53.