IHES - Welcome to Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

IHES events

IHES news

Find out about the prolific activity and scientific advances at IHES in the Institute’s news and main events.

  • visuel conférence LLM

    Mathematics for and by Large Language Models

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  • visuel conférence Albert Schwarz

    Physical Mathematics: Celebration of Albert Schwarz’s 70 Years in Science

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  • illustration CCMJS

    Call for proposals for the 2026 IHES Summer School

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  • Looking back at the conference by Catherine Goldstein and Clémence Perronnet

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  • Qube Research and Technologies renews its support to IHES

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  • conference C. Villani

    “Blaise Pascal, la mathématique au coeur de l’humanité” by Cédric Villani

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Invitation programmes

Researchers come from all over the world to take part in the general IHES programme or in specific programmes. They are selected following an application or invited by the Scientific Council.

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Call for summer school proposals

Hosting a summer school each year is an important element of the Institute’s scientific policy. IHES is now calling for proposals for 2026.

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The IHES video channel

Since 2013, IHES has uploaded all of its conferences, lectures and public events onto its YouTube channel. View all the scientific events there.

Theoretical scientific research

The aim of the Foundation known as ‘Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques’ is to enable and encourage theoretical scientific research (…). [Its] activity consists mainly in providing the institute’s professors and researchers, both permanent and invited, with the resources required to undertake disinterested research.

Extract from the statutes of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, 1958.
  • 205 visitors

  • 14 professors

  • 3 advanced
    research chairs

  • 35 nationalities