Celebration of Albert Schwarz's 70 Years in Science - IHES
visuel conférence Albert Schwarz Event

Physical Mathematics: Celebration of Albert Schwarz’s 70 Years in Science

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of Albert Schwarz‘s scientific career, IHES will host a one-day mini-conference on June 14, organized by Anton Kapustin (Caltech) et Maxim Kontsevich (IHES).

Albert Schwarz started as a topologist/geometer in the early ’50s. In the ’70s, he began an exploration of mathematical aspects of quantum field theory and made numerous seminal contributions to this subject. He has been a regular visitor to IHES since 1995 and was involved in many significant collaborations.

This May he will give a Cours de l’IHES on his recent research, entitled “Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory from Algebraic and Geometric Viewpoints”

This mini-conference is a tribute to the 70th anniversary of Schwarz’s remarkable scientific career by several of his friends and colleagues.

Invited speakers:

  • Alain Connes, Collège de France & IHES
  • Anton Kapustin, Caltech
  • Maxim Kontsevich, IHES
  • Boris Pioline, LPTHE – Sorbonne Université
  • Albert Schwarz, University of California at Davis & IHES

Registration on the conference webpage until June 7, 2024.