Summer school call for proposals - IHES

Summer school call for proposals

IHES has been organizing summer schools since 2006 to provide a hundred or so PhD students, postdocs and young researchers an overview of the latest developments in key areas of mathematics and theoretical physics.

Each year in the Spring and for a selection in June, IHES is calling for proposals for future summer schools to be held over two weeks. Their theme may relate to any discipline in mathematics or theoretical physics.

From 2024 onwards, IHES will alternate between a summer school in mathematics and a summer school in physics.

Hosting a summer school each year is an important element of the Institute’s scientific policy and IHES allocates significant financial resources to it. Securing additional funding is, however, decisive and the Institute encourages future organizers to make suggestions to that end, which can be discussed after selection. IHES can also offer assistance in preparing funding submissions.

In 2025, the IHES scientific council will review projects for a 2027 Summer school in mathematics.

We invite you to submit a proposal including:
– The name and contact details of the main organizer
– The summer school’s theme
– The proposed title
– The dates chosen (two two-week periods are offered)
– A brief description of the project, its aims and proposed format (number of lectures etc.)
– The list of organisation committee members
– The list of scientific committee members
– The list of proposed speakers
– Confirmed and/or proposed funding
– Any additional comments

Submit a proposal in MATHEMATICS

Previous IHES summer schools

2024 – Symmetries and Anomalies: a Modern Take
2023 – Recent Advances in Algebraic K-theory
2022 – Summer School on the Langlands Program
2021 – Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory
2020 – Motivic, Equivariant and Non-commutative Homotopy Theory
2019 – Aspects of Geometric Group Theory
2018 – Supersymmetric Localization and Exact Results
2017 – Spectral Properties of Large Random Objects
2016 – Nonlinear Waves
2015 – Moduli Problems in Symplectic Geometry
2014 – Théorie Analytique des Nombres
