Les Amis de l'IHES - IHES

Les Amis de l’IHES

Les Amis de l’IHES helps to promote the cutting edge research carried out at IHES as widely as possible. They organize conferences aimed at a broad audience, to introduce current research projects and organize cultural events of a scientific nature.

Les Amis de l’IHES is an association which was created on 8 October 1998 to coincide with the Institute’s 40th anniversary celebrations. Louis Michel was Chairman until he passed away on 30 December 1999; he was succeeded by Marcel Berger, former IHES Director, by Jean-Marc Deshouillers, professor at the University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 and by Valentin Poénaru, former professor at the Paris-Sud University (Orsay) from 2009 until  2022. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, former IHES Director, was appointed President on 31 May 2022.

Science at the service of athletes’ performance, by Amandine Aftalion

Join us on June 13th 2024 for the new Amis de l'IHES conference presented by Amandine Aftalion

New event organised by Les Amis de l’IHES on Thursday 13 June 2024, 6:00 pm (French time) at IHES.

Amandine AFTALION, (CNRS, Centre d’analyse et de mathématiques sociales, EHESS) gave a conference in French, entitled:

“Science at the service of athletes’ performance”

Why is it better to run behind someone?
How can you best adjust your speed to achieve the best time?
It all depends on the effort provided, the energy expended and one’s motivation.
Human beings are not robots and their movements are controlled by their brain.

Amandine Aftalion will address to these questions and a few others (like: Why does a golf ball have dimples? Why does one swim better slightly underwater? ) using notions of physics and mathematics presented in a simple and enjoyable way, allowing us to better understand some of the rules to improve the sporting performance of athletes and your own.

The conference will be followed by a friendly drink and a signing of Amandine AFTALION’ s book published in 2003 (CNRS editions):
« Be a champion, 40 facts you didn’t know about sports and science »

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Contact: Ingrid Peeters

The IHES video channel

Since 2013, IHES has uploaded all of its conferences, lectures and public events onto its YouTube channel. View all the scientific events there.