Being a private institution, IHES needs to differentiate its sources of funding in order to assure its functioning and its scientific development. Your generosity can guarantee our research freedom.
Major donors
IHES sincerely thanks all its major donors for their exceptional generosity and trust.
Marilyn & James H. Simons et la Simons Foundation*
Huawei Technologies
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Fonds AXA pour la recherche
BNP Paribas*
Airbus Group
Alix & Marwan Lahoud
Société Générale*
Cynthia & John S. Reed*
Institut Pierre Lamoure
Margaret and William R. Hearst III*
Robert Penner, in memory of Alexzandria Figueroa*
Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller
Florence Gould Foundation*
Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH
Florence & David Faucon*
Nippon Information Industry Corp.
Richard Lounsbery Foundation*
Nokia – Bell Labs
Meyer Foundation*
Barbara Amonson & Vincent Della Pietra*
Flora Family Foundation*
S. S. Chern Foundation for Mathematical Research
Pierre Deligne*
K.C. Wong Education Foundation
Famille Lanford
Maxim Kontsevich
Brin Foundation*
Henri Seydoux
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation*
Claire-Lise & Philippe Tondeur*
Agilent Technologies*
Qube Research and Technologies
Michael R. & Nina Douglas*
* This gift was entirely or partly made through Friends of IHES
Cercle des Mécènes
Within the framework of its fundraising campaign, the Institute created the Cercle des Mécènes in 2016. This exclusive club aims at gathering individual donors and organizations that share a strong interest for science. Its members contribute to the spreading and strengthening of the Institute’s values: excellence, freedom, interdisciplinarity.
The Cercle des Mécènes is open to individual donors who commit to the Institute with a one-off donation of at least €15,000 or €20,000 over 3 years, as well as to representatives of corporate sponsors. Being a member of the Cercle des Mécènes of IHES means contributing to the development of fundamental research by supporting the peculiar model of IHES. It is also a way to create a special relationship with the Institute, including the possibility to interact with researchers and offering extraordinary access to the Institute, according to your needs.
Members of the Cercle des Mécènes
Organizations Ardian Bristol Assurances Camtek Collège des Ingénieurs IBM ENGIE Institut Pierre Lamoure Qube Research and Technologies Individuals Philippe Camus Yann Fleureau et Marina Vinyes Jia Li Pierre-Yves Morlat Henri Seydoux Jean-Claude Trichet |
To know more on how to join the Cercle des Mécènes and on the recognition programme for its members, please contact Claire Lenz (
2022 Donors
IHES is grateful to all the donors that supported the Institute in 2022.
Institut Pierre Lamoure ∞ (bronze)
Qube Research and Technologies* (bronze)
Compagnie IBM France ∞ (bronze)
Camtek (bronze)
Société du Collège desIngénieurs SAS* (bronze)
Henri Seydoux ∞ (gold)
Club Léon Motchane
William R. Hearst III (gold)
Nicolas Bouchardie ∞ (bronze)
Pierre-Yves Morlat (bronze)
Jean-Claude Trichet ∞ (bronze)
Michel Cicurel* (bronze)
Donor Club
Kais Ben Hamida*
Bruno Berthet ∞
Guillaume Bioche
Florent Brach ∞
Anne & Jérôme Brun ∞
Mathieu Capovilla ∞
Michel David ∞
Marc Demol ∞
Xavier des Royeries*
Bernard Gotlieb
& Odile Jacob ∞
Françoise Jolimet*
Xavier Lacroze*
Philippe Lagayette ∞
André Lévy-Lang ∞
Félix Mayer ∞
Benoît Mselati
Pierre Ragon ∞
René Rauscher-Marroc ∞
Benoît Roth ∞
Mireille & Michel Rousseau ∞
Jean Ruff ∞
Frédéric Sgard ∞
Ban Zheng*
Former professors and invited researchers
Jürg M. Fröhlich ∞
Artemiy Kiselev ∞
Franz Bingen ∞
Nicholas Buchdahl
Patricia & Thomas Cecil ∞
Alex Feingold ∞
Alexei Glutsyuk ∞
Luc Illusie ∞
Boris Jilinski ∞
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
Bernard Malgrange*
Dieter Mayer
Thong Nguyen Quang Do
Yong-Geun Oh ∞
Carlos F.B. Palmeira
Jan Schepers
Ken Ichi Shinoda
Anonyme ∞
Michael Temkin
Yongsheng Zhang
∞ Loyal donor (3+ years)