Press & documentation - IHES

Press & documentation

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Press releases

1 February 2024 – Launch of the Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Chair
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15 November 2023 – Friends of IHES “Jazz and Physics” Gala in NYC
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15 October 2023 – Arrival of Clément Delcamp, new Junior Professor in Physics at IHES
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5 July 2023 – Qube Research and Technologies renews its support to IHES
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2 May 2023 – The ENGIE Foundation supports diversity and early-stage researchers at IHES
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17 April 2023 – Dustin Clausen joins the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques as a permanent professor
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13 April 2023 – Agilent Technologies supports women researchers at IHES with a €100k gift to the new Friends of IHES endowment fund
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21 March 2023 – Alex Gerko makes a generous gift of £1m to the new ‘Friends of IHES’ endowment
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15 March 2023 – Ryan Thorngren joins IHES as a junior professor starting in April 2023
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12 January 2023 – Mathematics, a driving force for the reconstruction after the war: creation of the new International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine, with the support of IHES
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8 September 2022 – Slava Rychkov and his collaborators solved a 40-year-old problem
posed by the Parisi-Sourlas conjecture
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1 September 2022 – Cédric Villani joins IHES from September 1st
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31 August 2022 – Thierry Bodineau, a CNRS research director, joins IHES
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5 July 2022 – Hugo Duminil-Copin is awarded the Fields Medal
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12 May 2022 – Yilin Wang, first junior professor at IHES
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13 December 2021 – Einstein wins again
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10 December 2021 –, an audiovisual broadcasting platform for mathematics
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27 October 2021 – The Simons Foundation makes a record pledge to support IHES
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8 February 2021 – Laure Saint-Raymond joins IHES as a permanent professor
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13 November 2020 – Launch of the Huawei Young Talents Program
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26 August 2020 – Claire Lenz appointed Director of Development and Communications
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22 January 2020 – IBM France joins forces with IHES to support fundamental research
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16 October 2019 – Two IHES researchers awarded by the French Academy of Sciences
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10 September 2019 – L’IHES se mobilise et rappelle l’importance du mécénat d’entreprise
pour la recherche et l’innovation (French only)
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1 February 2019 – The Alexzandria Figueroa and Robert Penner Chair established at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
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7 November 2018 – William R. Hearst III supports a triennial chair in Mathematics
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14 December 2017 – Nokia Bell Labs announces it is supporting IHES.
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17 October 2017 – Observation of gravitational waves from binary neutron stars opens the way to new science.
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27 September 2017 – Thibault Damour receives the 2017 CNRS Gold Medal for his key contributions to the discovery of gravitational waves.
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7 September 2017 – Hugo Duminil-Copin just received the Loève Prize (Berkeley, USA) and the Grand Prix Jacques Herbrand from the French Academy of Sciences. The European Research Council also awarded him a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
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5 December 2016­­ – Hugo Duminil-Copin, permanent professor at IHES since september 2016 is among the four laureates of the prize « New Horizons in Mathematics ».The recognition, awarded by the Breaktrough Prize Foundation, celebrates mathematicians who have obtained important results since the beginning of their careers.
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20 May 2016­­ – BNP Paribas announces a €1M gift to IHES and is the first to contribute to the Director’s Chair.
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3 May 2016­­­­ – Thibault Damour is one of the winners of the Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics that recognises the scientists and engineers who have contributed to the historic detection of gravitational waves, the detection of which was announced on 11 February 2016.­­­
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21 April 2016­­ – The work of Professor Thibault Damour was awarded twice: he is elected Foreign Honorary Member to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for 2­016 and awarded the 2016 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture by European Astronomical Society.
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11 February 2016 – IHES salutes the first observation of gravitational waves emitted by a black hole binary system by the two US LIGO interferometers from the LIGO/Virgo international network.
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All press releases

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