11th ITZYKSON Seminar - IHES
visuel séminaire Itzykson Event

11th ITZYKSON Seminar – “Dénombrement de cartes : entre combinatoire, probabilités et physique théorique”

Itzykson Seminar – FMJH

Depuis 2012, l’axe math-physique de la Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) organise un séminaire Itzykson tous les ans à l’IHES. Le but de ce séminaire est de rassembler une communauté scientifique autour des mathématiques et de la physique fondamentale dans la région de Saclay, incluant notamment les étudiants en master, en doctorat ou en séjour post-doctoral.

Since 2012, the math-physics axis of the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) organized an Itzykson Seminar once or twice a year at IHES. The goal of this seminar is to gather a scientific community around mathematics and fundamental physics in the Saclay area, including students in master’s, Ph.D., or post-doctoral studies.

This year, the 10th seminar will be held at the Institute on Monday, November 20, 2023.

Organized by Maxim Kontsevich (IHES), Sylvain Ribault (IPhT Saclay) and Pierre Vanhove (IPhT Saclay), it will focus on the theme of Dénombrement de cartes : entre combinatoire, probabilités et physique théorique”.

Maps – surfaces obtained by joining polygons along their edges – have been of interest to various fields of mathematics, computer science, and physics for decades. In particular, if the overlap is random, we obtain random maps, which can be used to describe stochastic processes. If we also decorate random maps, we can describe statistical physics models such as the O(n) loop model.

During the day, various aspects of maps will be presented, from enumeration problems to physical applications, from fundamental ideas to recent developments.

A lecture and two talks will be given by Mireille Bousquet-Mélou (CNRS, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux)Igor Kortchemski (CNRS, École polytechnique & ETH Zurich), and Jérémie Bouttier (IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université).

Participation is free but registration is compulsory until November 13, 2022. The seminar will be filmed and broadcast online after the event.