A Journey into Anatoly Vershik's Work - IHES

Representations, Probabiity, and Beyond: A Journey into Anatoly Vershik’s World

November 18-19, 2024, Mikhail Gromov (IHES & NYU), Sergei Nechaev (LPTMS Paris-Saclay) and Volodya Roubtsov (Univ. Angers) organize a two-days workshop devoted to the memory of Anatoly Vershik, who passed away earlier this year.

Anatoly Vershik (1933-2024) was a Russian mathematician who made important contributions in several fields of mathematics including representation theory, dynamical systems, ergodic theory, asymptotic combinatorics, operator algebras, and measure theory. He is also renowned for his joint work with Sergei V. Kerov on the theory of representations of infinite symmetric groups.


Invited speakers:

  • Alexander BARVINOK (Univ. of Michigan)
  • Alexey BORODIN (MIT)
  • Anna ERSCHLER (DMA, ENS Paris)
  • Sergey FOMIN (Univ. of Michigan)
  • Vadim KAIMANOVICH (St. Petersburg State Univ.)
  • Tatiana NAGNIBEDA (Univ. Genève)
  • Andrey OKOUNKOV (Princeton Univ.)
  • Grigori OLSHANSKI (IITP, Moscow)
  • Leonid PASTUR (King’s College London)
  • Fyodor PETROV (St. Petersburg State Univ.)
  • Volodya ROUBTSOV (Univ. d’Angers)
  • Natalia TSYLEVICH (Univ. of Haifa)