Conference by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon: “Highlighting the Scientific Method: Why it matters!”
The AERG (Association of ERC Grantees) organizes its second Webinar in its “Science & Society” series. This event, to be held online on December 13th at 5:30pm CET, will feature former ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon.
Professor Bourguignon, a mathematician by training and currently the Nicolaas Kuiper honorary professor at IHES, will present a lecture entitled:
“Highlighting the Scientific Method: Why it matters!”
Professor Bourguignon will address how the scientific method makes it possible to establish facts, why it matters, and why we need to communicate its importance. To discuss these issues, he will be joined by a number of distinguished panelists. The event will also be an occasion to thank Professor Bourguignon for the instrumental role he played in enabling the creation of the Association of ERC Grantees.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory.