IHES news - IHES
  • Scientific activity

    Hugo Duminil-Copin is now a permanent professor at IHES

    Hugo Duminil-Copin has held the IDEX Paris-Saclay Chair as a permanent professor in Mathematics since September 1st.

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  • Hivers IHES seminaire Grothendieck IHES

    IHES, the early years

    An extract from the exhibition "The Scientific Heritage of IHES" that was conceived and produced by Anne-Sandrine Paumier (IHES) on the occasion of the 2016 European Heritage Days.

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  • IHES -Ullmo- Conference Event

    Summer school – nonlinear waves

    The trimester on nonlinear waves ended with a two-week summer school, alternating mini-lectures, aimed at presenting active research topics, with more traditional presentations of research work.

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  • IHES - view In the media

    IHES, a “temple for mathematicians” in Le Figaro (FRENCH ONLY)

    Lieu unique au monde, l'Institut, créé en 1958, abrite l'élite des mathématiques et de la physique fondamentale. Avec tableaux noirs et craies. PAR Cyrille Vanlerberghe

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  • Francis Bach Scientific activity

    Machine learning

    Between September 2015 and February 2016 Francis Bach held the Schlumberger Chair and worked on the topics of machine learning, optimisation and optimal transport. Here he writes about machine learning whose main aim is to find meaningful patterns in the large amount of data that we currently have at our disposal.

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  • Hugo Duminil-Copin IHES Scientific activity

    Hugo Duminil-Copin is awarded the European Mathematical Society Prize

    Hugo Duminil-Copin, who will become a permanent professor at IHES in September 2016, is among the laureates of the 2016 European Mathematical Society Prize.

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  • Supporting IHES

    IHES celebrates the closure of the 5 million-euro challenge gift from the Simons Foundation

    The ceremony of completion of the 5m€ Challenge Gift from the Simons Foundation took place on May 20 in presence of Jim and Marilyn Simons, co-founders of the Simons Foundation.

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  • Supporting IHES

    BNP Paribas announces a 1 m€ gift to IHES and is the first to contribute to the Director’s Chair

    As IHES prepares to launch a third international fundraising campaign, BNP Paribas' commitment once again proves the importance of IHES's scientific mission for French companies.

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  • Thibault Damour - IHES Scientific activity

    Thibault Damour is one of the winners of the “Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics”

    The "Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics" recognises the scientists and engineers who have contributed to the historic detection of gravitational waves.

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  • Amis de l'IHES

    21 avril 2016 – Stanislas DEHAENE

    Stanislas DEHAENE (Professeur au Collège de France et Directeur de l’Unité INSERM-CEA-Paris-Sud de Neuro-imagerie Cognitive)

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  • Scientific activity

    Permanent professor Thibault Damour received two international distinctions

    On 20 April 2016 Thibault Damour was elected Foreign Honorary Member to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also awarded the 2016 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture for his "outstanding career on theoretical implications of general relativity and in particular on the prediction of the newly-observed gravitational wave signal of coalescing binary black holes" on 12 April 2016 by the European Astronomical Society.

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  • BD le monde quantique Comics

    Le Mystère du Monde Quantique

    A scientific graphic novel (in French) to understand quantum physics.

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