Damour Fest: Adventures in Gravitations at IHES - IHES
Portrait du professeur Thibault Damour Event

“Damour Fest: Adventures in Gravitation”, a conference in honor of Thibault Damour

Damour Fest
Adventures in Gravitation


To celebrate the 70th birthday of Thibault Damour, permanent professor at IHES since 1989, a “Damour Fest”, gathering friends with whom he enjoys interacting around Gravitational Physics and beyond, was held at IHES from Tuesday 12 October afternoon to Friday 15 October 2021 noon. It was organised by Nathalie Deruelle (APC, Université de Paris), Alessandro Nagar (INFN Torino) and Slava Rychkov (IHES).

The following speakers talked (a few remotely) on topics of their choice reflecting their current interest:

– Leor Barack, University of Southampton
– Sebastiano Bernuzzi, University of Jena
– Lydia Bieri, Michigan University
– Luc Blanchet, IAP, Paris
– Alessandra Buonanno, AEI, MPI, Potsdam
– Sophie De Buyl, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
– Stanley Deser, Brandeis University
– Marc Henneaux, Collège de France & ULB Bruxelles
– Bala Iyer, ICTS, TIFR, Bangalore 
– Piotr Jaranowski, University of Białystok
– Sergiu Klainerman, Princeton University
– Michael Kramer, MPI, Bonn
– Juan Maldacena, IAS, Princeton
– Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
– Hermann Nicolai, AEI, MPI, Potsdam
Adam Pound, University of Southampton
– Giuseppe Policastro, ENS Paris
– Alexander Polyakov, Princeton University
– Manuel Rodrigues, ONERA, Université Paris-Saclay
– Remo Ruffini, ICRA, Rome
– David Shoemaker, MIT
– Sergey Solodukhin, University of Tours
– Alexei Starobinski, Landau Institute, Moscow
– Gabriele Veneziano, CERN & Collège de France
– Alex Vilenkin, Tufts University
Edward Witten, IAS, Princeton

To apply, get more information about the schedule, and be informed of the latest actions, visit the conference web page.

The conference was held in a blended form, with talks given on-site at IHES and others remotely through Zoom. All the talks could be followed either online or on-site (subject to availability).

Covid-19 regulations: for those who will attend in person, masks will be mandatory and we will ask them to provide a health pass upon their arrival.

Find all the videos of the Damour Fest: