Emmanuel Ullmo, IHES Director since 2013 - IHES
Emmanuel Ullmo, mathématicien, directeur de l'IHES © IHES

Emmanuel Ullmo, Mathematician

Director since 2013
The Director's Chair is supported by BNP Paribas and the Institut Pierre Lamoure

Emmanuel Ullmo's research area is algebraic and arithmetic geometry. He graduated from École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (class of 1985) and holds a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from Université Paris-Sud (1992).

Emmanuel Ullmo alternated between positions in France and abroad, including 18 months at IMPA in Brazil, two years at Princeton University in the United States and six months at Tsing-Hua University in the ­People’s Republic of China.

Professor at Université Paris-Sud in 2001, Emmanuel Ullmo became Director of the Department of Mathematics of Orsay and President of the Commission of Experts between 2007 and 2010. Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre Émile Borel from 2002 to 2006, he is also a member of the editorial board of Inventiones Mathematicae since 2006, being one of two editors-in-chief from 2008 to 2014.

Recently, Emmanuel Ullmo showed, in collaboration with Chris Daw and Alexander Gorodnik, that the space of homogeneous measures on the maximum Satake compactification of a locally symmetric space is compact. In other words, the boundary measure of a sequence of homogeneous measures is supported on a single edge component and is homogeneous. Moreover in collaboration with Gregorio Baldi, he demonstrated the finitude of the set of maximal totally geodesic subvarieties of a ball quotient unit of the complex affine space of dimension n by a non-arithmetic network.

Personal web page

Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing (2002),
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2003 to 2008),
Élie Cartan Prize of the Académie des Sciences de Paris (2006).


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