Some of Grothendieck's archives published online by the University of Montpellier - IHES
Séminaires de Géométrie Algébrique IHES

Some of Grothendieck’s archives published online by the University of Montpellier

Alexandre Grothendieck is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. He revolutionised the foundations and the mathods of algebraic geometry. A Fields medal winner in 1966, he was a permanent professor at IHES from 1959 to 1970, and in 1973 he joined the University of Montpellier. The latter just published an important fraction of the Grothendieck’s archives, 18000 pages out of 28000.

The archives consist of some of Alexandre Grothendieck’s handwritten and typed notes, as well as of some of his letters. It contains his works for the period 1949 – 1991 and some so far unpublished manuscripts.

Alexandre Grothendieck himself gave the documents to Jean Malgoire, one of his former students working as a researcher and professor at the University of Montpellier, in two times: once in 1990 and once in 1995. Jean Malgoire kept Grothedieck’s archives until 2010, when he gave them to the University of Montpellier, which took charge of their digitalisation and online publication.

You can find them at the following address: