Laure Saint-Raymond, Permanent Professor since 2021 - IHES
© Chris Peus / IHES

Laure Saint-Raymond, Mathematician

Permanent professor since 2021

Laure Saint-Raymond’s work focuses mainly on the asymptotic analysis of systems of partial differential equations, in particular those governing the dynamics of gases, plasmas, and fluids.

Laure Saint-Raymond entered the École normale supérieure in 1994. During her studies, she obtained a DEA in numerical analysis at the University of Paris VI and another in plasma physics at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, as well as an agrégation in mathematics. She then obtained a doctorate at the department of mathematics and applications of the ENS under the supervision of mathematician François Golse, on the kinetic theory of gases. She was recruited as a research fellow at the CNRS in 2000. She was then appointed professor at the Université Paris VI in 2002. In 2007, she was seconded to the École normale supérieure, where she headed the analysis team before becoming director of studies in the mathematics department. She was elected a member of the Académie des sciences since 2013, when she has since been a regular participant in think tanks, notably on the dissemination of knowledge. She became a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France in 2015, after spending a sabbatical year in the United States, at the joint invitation of Harvard University and MIT. In 2016, she joined the École normale supérieure de Lyon as a university professor with the project of developing strong links between mathematics and physics.

Laure Saint-Raymond works mainly on the asymptotic analysis of systems of partial differential equations, in particular those governing gas, plasma, and fluid dynamics. In particular, she has made fundamental contributions to Hilbert’s sixth problem concerning the axiomatization of mechanics, one of the 23 problems proposed by David Hilbert at the International Mathematical Congress of 1900, which has not been solved to this day. With various collaborators, she has shown that there is a continuous transition between non-equilibrium statistical physics models and the equations of fluid mechanics, and more recently she has studied the validity of these statistical models based on Newtonian mechanics. In parallel, she works on fluid mechanics models describing ocean currents, including the influence of rotation and stratification on wave propagation and boundary layer phenomena.

European Mathematical Society Prize (2008)
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize of the American Mathematical Society (2009)
Irene Joliot-Curie "Young Female Scientist" Prize of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (2011)
Fermat Prize (2015)
Bôcher Prize of the American Mathematical Society (2020)
Tullio Levi Civita International Prize (2022)
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Member of the Académie des Sciences de Paris
Member of the European Academy of Sciences
Member of the Academia Europaea
Member of the National Academy of Sciences


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